Subject: Re: ...
From: Girish M <x>
Date: 22/01/22, 13:50
To: Girish M <y>

Hi Girish,

I'm still watching the movie Soylent Green. I dozed off midway. The one thing that I liked about that movie is how one of the characters tries to recharge batteries at home by cycling. I mean riding a bicycle. The bicycle is connected with the dynamo or similar device that produces electric current sufficient enough to recharge the batteries. Interesting to note how the bulb diminishes when the voltage is low and how when someone starts cycling the bulb glow stabilises. 

Enjoy the movie!

Jan 22, 2022 1:42 PM Girish M <y>:

Hey G,

Interesting to find a movie reference: Soylent Green,  in this book. Speaks of a dystopian future where the population is suffering due to lack of resources and a select few enjoy the privileges.

Important thing to note about few mathematical concepts used in this book viz. arithmetic and geometric progression. According to Malthus, the growth of human population follows a geometric progression whereas, the growth of resources follows arithmetic progression. Therefore, the population would invariably face lack of resources leading to hunger, poverty and other miseries.

Happy Reading,


On 28/12/21 6:53 pm, Girish M wrote:
Hello Girish,

I have started to read this classic book on population theory. The idea behind reading this book is to understand how human population functions and their impact on natural resources. The pessimistic views of Malthus over growing population is of my primary interest. 

Happy Reading,

From: x
To: y
Dec 28, 2021, 6:53:13 PM

From: x
To: y
Jan 22, 2022, 1:49:49 PM